TELEVISION THEATER “The Burning of Joanna B.” directed Agaty Baumgart

We have fini­shed work on TV the­ater “The Bur­ning Joan­na B.” direc­ted by Agata Baum­gart, based on the play by Mag­da­le­na Miecz­nic­ka.


Jadwi­ga Jankowska-​Cieślak, Anna Kłos-​Kleszczewska, Krzysz­tof Ogło­za, Hen­ryk Nie­bu­dek, Dobro­mir Dymec­ki, Agniesz­ka Rosz­kow­ska, Piotr Ligien­za

Direc­tor of Pho­to­gra­phy: Szy­mon Kluz

Edi­tor: Tomasz Cie­siel­ski

Pro­duc­tion: Docu­men­ta­ry and Featu­re Films Stu­dio (WFDiF)

Pre­mie­re soon at Polish Tele­vi­sion.

We wish you a ple­asant recep­tion.

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