short­Cat is a postpro­duc­tion house, foun­ded by Tomek Cie­siel­ski, a gra­du­ate of the Facul­ty of Film Edi­ting at Natio­nal Film Scho­ol in Lodz and a mem­ber of Polish Film Edi­tors Asso­cia­tion. It's based on over a deca­de of expe­rien­ce in film and bro­ad­cast. short­Cat team con­si­sts of high­ly quali­fied post­pro­duc­tion pro­fes­sio­nals. Our goal is to postpro­duce films (featu­re, docu­men­ta­ries, shorts), tele­vi­sion pro­gram­mes, com­mer­cials, tele­vi­sion series, music vide­os and viral vide­os of high arti­stic level.

We focus on high quali­ty and attrac­ti­vity of any film image, at any stage of post-​production. We know spe­ci­fic needs of Polish and inter­na­tio­nal audien­ce. We are the gene­ra­tion of the late 70's and 80's. During the trans­for­ma­tion, we have wit­nes­sed the flo­uri­shing of free mar­ket and we know it's demands. We fol­low the trends. We know what is going on and where. We feel co-​responsible for the pro­jects we sup­port. We value diver­sity and colo­ur, fre­edom of tho­ught and cre­ati­vity of arti­sts with whom we work. We like things poli­shed to the last deta­il, and we sim­ply like our jobs.

We pro­vide exten­sive post pro­duc­tion servi­ces: offli­ne edi­ting, vfx, ani­ma­tion, color gra­ding, on-​line, sound design and mixing.

We work with pro­duc­tion houses, bro­ad­ca­sters, indi­vi­dual pro­du­cers, adver­ti­sing agen­cies, both Polish and inter­na­tio­nal brands such as Disco­very Chan­nel, Canal+, ATM Group, TVP, ITI Group, Pol­sat.

 Apart from com­mer­cial acti­vi­ties, short­Cat was foun­ded to ena­ble our team to pro­du­ce our own inde­pen­dent film pro­jects. We were respon­si­ble for post-​production of award-​winning docu­men­ta­ries, featu­re films, shorts and music vide­os, inc­lu­ding docu­men­tary film "Piano", which won a jury's spe­cial award of 55 Kra­kow Film Festi­val and was nomi­na­ted for Polish Film Award Eagles 2016 for best docu­men­tary.


Just' gifs