The scope of our servi­ces covers featu­re films, docu­men­ta­ries and shorts. We col­la­bo­ra­te with talen­ted direc­tors and direc­tors of pho­to­gra­phy of the young gene­ra­tion. Our pro­duc­tions have been win­ning impor­tant awards at film festi­vals in Poland and abro­ad.



BEAUTY  – TV the­atre direc­ted by Justy­na Nowak, based on a drama by Iwona Kusiak. Sur­re­al, magi­cal, social­ly enga­ged comedy-​​drama about three gene­ra­tion fami­ly of women. The story begins with the main pro­ta­go­nist taking part in a TV reali­ty show about pla­stic sur­ge­ry cal­lad “Beau­ty for Fri­day”.

cast: Sonia Mie­tie­li­ca, Agniesz­ka J. Skrzyp­czak, Alek­san­dra Popław­ska,

Doro­ta Pomy­ka­ła, Kata­rzy­na Her­man

direc­tor of pho­to­gra­phy: Szy­mon Kluz

edi­tor: Tomasz Cie­siel­ski PSM

music: Joan­na H. Soko­łow­ska, Tomasz Cie­siel­ski

pro­du­cer: Wytwór­nia Fil­mów Doku­men­tal­nych i Fabu­lar­nych

The Burning of Joanna

“THE BURNING OF JOANNA” – is a TV the­ater,  direc­ted by Agata Baum­gart, based on the play by Mag­da­lena Miecz­nicka.


Jadwi­ga Jankowska-​​Cieślak, Anna Kłos-​​Kleszczewska, Krzysz­tof Ogło­za, Hen­ryk Nie­bu­dek, Dobro­mir Dymec­ki, Agniesz­ka Rosz­kow­ska, Piotr Ligien­za

Direc­tor of Pho­to­gra­phy: Szy­mon Kluz

Edi­tor: Tomasz Cie­siel­ski PSM

Pro­duc­tion: Docu­men­tary and Featu­re Films Stu­dio (WFDiF)


“PIANO” – is a feature-​​length docu­men­ta­ry direc­ted by Vita Dry­gas, edi­ted by Tomasz Cie­siel­ski PSM. “Piano” has won jury’s spe­cial award at 55 Kra­kow Film Festi­val and was nomi­na­ted for Polish Film Award Eagles 2016 for the best docu­men­ta­ry. Among seve­ral impor­tant awards for “PIANO” there is also the Grand Prix at 26 Festi­val Media­wa­ve in Hun­ga­ry (2016).


“LEADERS” – direc­ted by Paweł Fer­dek is a feature-​​length docu­men­ta­ry, edi­ted by Tomasz Cie­siel­ski PSM. The film won the award for best children’s film at 28th Inter­na­tio­nal Film Festi­val in Parnu (2014).

Our Little Poland

“OUR LITTLE POLAND” – is a feature-​​length docu­men­ta­ry set in Tokyo and direc­ted by Matej Bobrik. The direc­tor of pho­to­gra­phy is Michał Staj­niak. The film is co-​​funded by the Polish Film Insti­tu­te and it’s exe­cu­ti­ve pro­du­cer is Koi Stu­dio. The pro­ject is being deve­lo­ped under the pro­gram Doc Lab Poland (DOC LAB GO).

"Beauty" director Justyna Nowak

"The Burning of Joanna" director Agata Baumgart


short­Cat pro­du­ces modern, dyna­mic and con­cep­tu­al­ly effec­ti­ve adver­ti­sing films. We very well know how to cre­ate an image of a brand. We listen to our custo­mers’ needs and objec­ti­ves of the cre­ati­ves. We know what makes an image con­tri­bu­te to the incre­ase of sales of adver­ti­sed pro­ducts.


We are expe­rien­ced in post pro­duc­tion of all tele­vi­sion gen­res. We star­ted with scrip­ted docu­men­ta­ries, tele­vi­sion pro­gram­mes, docu­men­ta­ries. We per­fec­ted our skills with enter­ta­in­ment pro­gram­mes and shows. We have wor­ked with all major Polish bra­od­ca­sters.