TV AD “EGO” the game for Trefl

We’ve just fini­shed post pro­duc­tion of a TV advert of a game “EGO” for Trefl. Thanks to East Stu­dio for a love­ly co-​op.

Client: Trefl
Agen­cy: DSK
PH: East Stu­dio
DIR: Krzysz­tof Rzą­czyń­ski
DOP: Michał Popiel – Mach­nic­ki
Edit: Tomasz Cie­siel­ski psm
Post: short­Cat
Sound: Ucho Stu­dio



short­Cat pro­du­ces modern, dyna­mic and con­cep­tu­al­ly effec­ti­ve adver­ti­sing films. We very well know how to cre­ate an image of a brand. We listen to our custo­mers’ needs and objec­ti­ves of the cre­ati­ves. We know what makes an image con­tri­bu­te to the incre­ase of sales of adver­ti­sed pro­ducts.