The Secret History of the 20th Century

The awe­so­me ope­ra­tion THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE 20th CENTURY has begun. We are looking for­ward to exci­ting coope­ra­tion with Mr. Bogu­sław Woło­szań­ski. We’ve mobi­li­zed all our for­ces in order to safe­ly land in fall’s season sche­du­le. just like in ope­ra­tion Over­lord, we intend to make impact. Ready, set, go!

TV AD “EGO” the game for Trefl

We’ve just fini­shed post pro­duc­tion of a TV advert of a game “EGO” for Trefl. Thanks to East Stu­dio for a love­ly co-​op.

Client: Trefl
Agen­cy: DSK
PH: East Stu­dio
DIR: Krzysz­tof Rzą­czyń­ski
DOP: Michał Popiel – Mach­nic­ki
Edit: Tomasz Cie­siel­ski psm
Post: short­Cat
Sound: Ucho Stu­dio


Project Getaway

We’ ve just fini­shed a 10 epi­so­de jour­ney with “Pro­ject Geta­way” that we cove­red with ATM and Canal Plus Disco­ve­ry. We’re proud to have wor­ked on prime series, at the highest level of TV pro­duc­tion. We were respon­si­ble for the whole post pro­duc­tion pro­cess, that came out to be pure ple­asu­re. At the same time we had a chan­ce to disco­ver the unk­nown beau­ty of Poland.
Such chal­len­ges are just pure ple­asu­re!