Just Health at Polish Television TVP

In our new show “Just Health” Anna Popek and Beata Chmielowska-​​Olech along with pro­mi­nent doctors, visit modern dia­gno­stics labo­ra­to­ries. The show pre­sents how modern ope­ra­tions, medi­cal pro­ce­du­res and pro­fi­lac­tics look like. Bro­ad­cast at Polish Tele­vi­sion TVP. We pro­vi­de full post pro­duc­tion servi­ce. Stay heal­thy !

The Secret History of the 20th Century

The awe­so­me ope­ra­tion THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE 20th CENTURY has begun. We are looking for­ward to exci­ting coope­ra­tion with Mr. Bogu­sław Woło­szań­ski. We’ve mobi­li­zed all our for­ces in order to safe­ly land in fall’s season sche­du­le. just like in ope­ra­tion Over­lord, we intend to make impact. Ready, set, go!